Apple launched the iPhone 5S in India for Rs 53,500, which was described
by many as borderline crazy. But not until you compare the India price
with other countries do you realize just how crazy this pricing is. A study conducted by MobileUnlocked (via Guardian) found that India is one of countries which pays a huge premium for the phone compared to say the US. The study compared the prices in 47 countries and took into
consideration native currencies, native sales tax and also the average
earnings of a person from that country. The results were quite
startling. The device is cheapest in the US where it retails for
$707.41, while it is the most expensive in Jordan ($ 1091.01). India
comes somewhere in between with a price tag of $857.78.A separate study included the “purchasing power parity” (PPP) terms,
wherein one compares the price of the product to the country’s GDP and
an average person’s purchasing power. In this context, the iPhone 5S is
the most expensive in India where the phone costs 22.3 percent of per
capita GDP. It is followed by Vietnam and Jordan where the device costs
19.8 percent and 18.3 percent of per capita GDP respectively. Under such
considerations, the iPhone 5S is the cheapest in Qatar, where it costs a
mere 0.76 percent of per capita GDP.
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